
Rabu, 09 November 2011

Sunan Muria And Maling Kapa

Tales Sunan Muria And Maling Kapa Ki Ageng groaned was a highly respected public figure. High science, extraordinary miracle. Children and fall of a hero is Nyai Ageng groaned. Ki Ageng pupils groaned a lot, of which include Festival, Sunan Muria, Duke warak Pathak, Kapa and his brother Gentiri One day Ki Ageng groaned safety celebrate his son Dewi Roroyono that even twenty years. That night our homes filled with guests groaned ageng good neighbors. Sunan Muria was an eminent theologian. No doubt of it pengetahaun his religion. Besides he is an expert kanuragan science or magic. So many students come from far studied to him. One famous disciple seoarang smart is good raden rinangku son of a prince of Semarang. Raden rinangku nice addition too smart to have a handsome face so putrid that Sunan Muria named Raden Ayu nawangsih enamored and infatuated. Both young men and women that were promised to each other through life happily together. Whatever happens they do not care, they will stick together. Determination of both amorous drunken man who was known Sunan Muria. Of course, Sunan Muria to be friendly, because Raden Ayu nawangsih be paired with a student named kyai cebolek. From here look awkward. Sunan Muria was living in the 15th century BC were clerics or pilgrims ahmad cobelek Mutamakin Pakubuwono lived era (1727-1749 or about pertenahan eighteenth century). Because I had fallen in love with good raden nawangsih rinangku then Raden Ayu did not want an arranged marriage with kyai cobelek. Sunan Muria not lack sense. To separate the two lovebirds were good raden raden rinangku was given a heavy lever-berat.Diantaranya eradicate the robbers who often interfere Mount Muria area. Robbers was often harassing the residents and even many residents who were killed brutally. If good raden rinangku not careful he could have been beaten to death by the robbers. But the young man can beat the robbers even make Repentant robber named Mashudi herd, even a pious person. Thus Sunan Muria failed to drop the two lovebirds are in drunken romance. To separate again, good rinagku assigned to keep the bird (tungguk manuk). In fields located in brackish areas. The young man was happy to carry out their duties. On a day Sunan Muria check into brackish areas. Is it really good raden rinangku perform their duties properly. Apparently the young man's dereliction of duty. The birds were allowed to eat rice padidi yellowing. Not only that, raden rinangku even play nice with Raden Ayu nawangsih romance in the middle of rice fields. Of course, Sunan Muria so angry. "Pupils were told tungguk manuk insolent even playing crazy in the middle of rice fields!" Snapped Sunan Muria. Am I wrong Kanjeng Sunan. Is not my rule sunan Kanjeng to stay with the birds? not to stay with rice? 'said the young man with naughty. Sunan Muria increasingly angry, he was sure that his students already knew what it meant and deliberately toying with the word alias deliberately quibble to argue with him. Seeing the young man's anger frightened her teacher. Then apologize and promise to return the rice has been consumed by birds. For a moment he berdo'ah and magic rice that has been consumed by the birds back to normal. Sunan Muria instead was pleased to see the miracle of his students. Good rinangku actually deemed to have been deliberately and intentionally challenged him to show off his supernatural powers. "Insolent boy!" Growled Sunan Muria with liver upset. Then he pulled his arrow. Directed to the good rinangku with the aim only to scare scare only. But despite the unexpected right arrow rinangku translucent mengenahi nice chest to his back. There fell a brash young man was. See Raden Ayu died kekasuhnya nawangsih join martial starch. He bumped into his girlfriend's back and an arrow sticking through the stomach and even then Raden Ayu nawangsih. During that time, Raden Ayu nawangsih died before his own father. People who learned of the death of two lovers feel sorry. Until the burial ceremony is finished they were still standing over the grave dengn sobs. Sunan Muria'm still annoyed at the behavior of the population is then said to him, "you are all teak trees stood like it!" Instantly the men were turned into a teak tree is still there and in keramatkan locals. Such is the story of Sunan Muria's insulting. Obviously the story or fairy tale that only creation of the liar who intentionally mendikreditan Sunan Muria as one Walisongo

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